La indexación del podcast en agregadores de audio y plataformas de streaming musical

estrategias y criterios de categorización



Audio, Podcast, Streaming, Folksonomy, Gender, Indexation


The Internet consolidation as a preferent window for access to information and audiovisual entertainment has changed the classical rules of communication industries in order to content design, distribution and commercialization. Especially in the case of radio, which has lost its exclusivity in audio broadcasting before the irruption of podcasts, audiobooks and streaming music services.

The exponential global penetration of these platforms –in 2018 they had 255 million subscribers all over the world– has made them one of the most efficient sound distribution channels for creators and producers of podcasts. However, since these contents do not constitute their native ingredient, their indexation does not yet conform to homogeneous classification systems according to genres or themes.

This article identifies the categorization rules and their consequences for digital audio identification and decoding. Based on a comparative analysis between the three main podcast hosting services for their market share –iTunes, iVoox and Spreaker– and the music platforms that already distribute that format –Spotify, Soundcloud and Deezer– the similarities and divergences are verified between the different taxonomies. Finally, we discuss the repercussions for the commercialization of podcasts, called to become alternative to linear radio.


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How to Cite

ARENSE GÓMEZ, A., Terol Bolinches, R., & Esteban, L. M. (2020). La indexación del podcast en agregadores de audio y plataformas de streaming musical: estrategias y criterios de categorización. Textual & Visual Media, 1(12). Retrieved from