Fact-checking on COVID-19 on Facebook. What themes do fact-checkers followers react to?





fact-checking, misinformation, infodemic, social media, COVID-19


Misinformation has become a major problem in recent years. In addition, COVID-19 caused an infodemic where fact-checking organizations dedicated themselves to verifying all kinds of content, especially about the virus. For this reason, this study aims to delve into the thematic characteristics, the commitment and the chronological evolution of the publications made on Facebook, during the year 2020, by the 16 Ibero-American fact-checkers linked to the IFCN. Using a mixed methodology with a content analysis, both quantitative and qualitative, the results show that the contents on the pandemic have occupied a leading place in the communication of the verifiers, especially those related to the situation of each country, the treatments, or the characteristics of the virus. Likewise, the influence of the evolution of the pandemic is observed, both in the publications of the fact-checkers and in the response of the audience.


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How to Cite

Abuín-Penas, J., Míguez-González, M. I., & Dafonte-Gómez, A. (2022). Fact-checking on COVID-19 on Facebook. What themes do fact-checkers followers react to?. Textual & Visual Media, 1(16), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.56418/txt.16.2022.001