The podcast as an informative piece during the convergence: Comparative analysis between Brazil and Spain




convergence, informative pódcast, digital media, media platforms


In last years, we have seen an increase in the use of the podcast in native media and in traditional digital media, because of its incorporation for years on the digital radio. In this study we focus exclusively on the importance of the podcast as a value-added resource. For this reason, we have analysed the context informative, retrieval and content property of the podcast. Our object of study focuses on the intensive use of the podcast as an information resource of reproducibility, ubiquity, growth, and development, increasingly implemented in digital media. We concluded that the podcast is indeed a product of media convergence, and the result of this convergence is to determine whether the podcast has the same behaviour on a radio platform as on a digital media platform.


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El pódcast como pieza informativa durante la convergencia: Análisis comparado entre Brasil y España



How to Cite

Garcia Martul, D., Franco Álvarez, G., & Galvao, L. (2023). The podcast as an informative piece during the convergence: Comparative analysis between Brazil and Spain. Textual & Visual Media, 17(2), 37-48.