Media Indicators as Accountability Tools: Current State of the Art and Trends




media indicators, measurement, media, information, communication, quality, transparency


This paper carries out a literature review on media indicators, as well as other forms of monitoring aimed at 'measuring' media quality. The aim is threefold: a) to contribute to the advancement of knowledge for the establishment of the epistemological foundations of the state of the art; b) to describe the main characteristics of media indicators, highlighting their similarities and differences; c) to identify gaps or areas under development where media indicators could be useful. Methodologically, a snowball review is proposed. The results show that there is a certain dispersion regarding media indicators, which coexists with a trend towards the specialization of these measurement instruments. New thematic niches have been identified that could benefit from the application of indicators, such as the emerging sector of the Ecosocial Transition


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Los indicadores mediáticos como herramientas de rendición de cuentas: estado actual y tendencias



How to Cite

Peralta García , L., & Ballesteros-Aguayo, L. (2024). Media Indicators as Accountability Tools: Current State of the Art and Trends . Textual & Visual Media, 18(1), 43-59.