‘The West Wing’: The democracy of words. Genre and reality in US TV political drama


  • Anna Tous Rovirosa Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Quality TV, US series, political drama


This paper presents an analysis of the US TV series Th e West Wing (NBC: 1999-2006), especially in relation to its own TV genre (political drama), as well as with other workplace series. The methodology used consists of describing its recurrent themes and genres. The diacrony of the political drama as a genre is exposed, as well as the series’ relationship with the real politics in the US.


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How to Cite

Tous Rovirosa, A. (2009). ‘The West Wing’: The democracy of words. Genre and reality in US TV political drama. Textual & Visual Media, 1(2), 247-266. Retrieved from https://textualvisualmedia.com/index.php/txtvmedia/article/view/95