Special information for ‘last minute’ in online media: A comparative study on the cover
Design, online journalism, initial nodes, last minute, specialsAbstract
Linked to a structure based on the base template, the design of online media experience its possibilities through the special and outstanding. This article presents a summary of the main conclusions reached after consideration of the special last minute’in the initial nodes —covers— of Elpais.com, Elmundo.es, Elcorreo.com, Lavanguardia.es, Elperiodico.com, Bild.de, Guardian.co.uk, Lemonde.fr, Nytimes.com, Clarin.com, Reforma.com, Oglobo.oglobo.com, Emol.com and Asahi.com. We employ content analysis using a descriptive-interpretative tab applied on two samples of each medium in times of 12.00 and 00.00 hours. Architecture, design and information visualization, interactivity and usability, in addition to the heritage disciplines of graphic design and audiovisual up our theoretical corpus. From a syntactic-semantic perspective, the different elements interact and form a solid block natural, where we propose to overcome the textual narrative and create a greater depth development of hypertext and multimedia.