Portrait and personal branding. How journalism students at the University of Zaragoza see themselves in future
future, journalismAbstract
The objective is to know the current profile of the students of the last year of the Degree in Journalism of the University of Zaragoza in order to obtain an radiograph that can serve as input to the University as a trainer and to companies as employers. The construction of a personal brand served to collect the information, through various methodologies. 98 students from the 2020-21 and 2021-22 academic years have participated.
87% of students have little and confused knowledge about themselves, their abilities and expectations. After the exercises, they show their work preferences being close to the percentage of those who want to dedicate themselves to journalism of those who opt for corporate and digital communication. Students are optimistic about the possibilities of a profession in full change, although aware of the high barriers to entry into the labor market. Most will continue their training to be more competitive.
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