Approximation to the study of erotic factor like lure in press


  • Marta Redondo Universidad de Valladolid


erotism, sensationalism, news values


Since the appearance of sensationalism in American journalism, eroticism has been used for press as claim to obtain the attention of readers. The profitability of this ingredient «supreme bait of the look» as Roman Gubern defines it (2000: 8), has been analyzed deeply in advertising where it is one of the most frequently used promotional tactics. But identical function fulfil in mass media, from television where it works as magnet for sight, up to papers where it is considered to be an adornment of its pages to obtain a more visual and attractive product.

The article studies this resource in press as a symptom of the process of «revistización» that lives, according to the term used by Aurora Labio (2008: 436). An evidence of the dilemma which journals face: informative, according to tradition, but obligated to be showy in order to attract readers.


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How to Cite

Redondo, M. (2012). Approximation to the study of erotic factor like lure in press. Textual & Visual Media, 1(5), 239-258. Retrieved from